Jim Johnson Birthday Party @ Shaw’s – 8-29-2015
Dick Wiegand and Denny Johnson Larry Wiegand, Doni Larson, Rod Eaton
John Zingray and friends Stanley Kipper and Charles Schoen
Tim McCarty on the patio Jim Johnson on the patio
Aaron Goodyear and wife on the patio Randy Cates and Larry Wiegand
Stan Kipper, Lonnie Knight, Patty Patton Denny Johnson, Doni Larson, Rod Eaton
Jim Johnson with birthday card Rod, Jim, Ray, and Doni – The Underbeats
Tom, Doni, and Lonnie Cadillac Sally and Dick Wiegand
Mike Shaw, Stan, Doni, and Jim outside Mike Shaw and Doni Larson outisde
Jim Johnson and Ron Butwin Tom and Ron Butwin