Jim Johnson Birthday Party @ Shaw’s – 8-29-2015

JJ Party - 1 Dick & DennyJJ Party - 2

Dick Wiegand and Denny Johnson               Larry Wiegand, Doni Larson, Rod Eaton

JJ Party - 4JJ Party - 6

John Zingray and friends                                    Stanley Kipper and Charles Schoen

JJ Party - 7JJ Party - 9

Tim McCarty on the patio                                                Jim Johnson on the patio

JJ Party - 11 Aaron & WifeJJ Party - 13

Aaron Goodyear and wife on the patio              Randy Cates and Larry Wiegand

JJ Party - 14JJ Party - 15

Stan Kipper, Lonnie Knight, Patty Patton    Denny Johnson, Doni Larson, Rod Eaton

JJ Party - 18 Jim & CardJJ Party - 20 Underbeats

Jim Johnson with birthday card                     Rod, Jim, Ray, and Doni – The Underbeats

JJ Party - 28 Tom, Doni, LonnieJJ Party - 29 Cadillac Sally & Dick W.

Tom, Doni, and Lonnie                                         Cadillac Sally and Dick Wiegand

JJ Party - 30 Shaw + 3JJ Party - 35

Mike Shaw, Stan, Doni, and Jim outside          Mike Shaw and Doni Larson outisde

JJ Party - 36 Jin & Ron BJJ Party - 39 Tom & Ron B

Jim Johnson and Ron Butwin                                         Tom and Ron Butwin