Flash Tuesday

Browse [Artist] Details:

Flash  Tuesday    


Original  Members


Lonnie  Knight    Guitar / Vocals

Denny  Johnson   Bass  Guitar / Vocals

Bill  Gent   Drums / Vocals


August, 1969:  Jokers Wild is in their final lineup with three members: Lonnie Knight on lead guitar and vocals; Denny Johnson on bass guitar and vocals and Pete Huber on drums and vocals.  Pete begins to have health issues that affect his playing and decides to leave the band. Pete, a showman on the drums, was not an easy person to find a replacement for.  

Lonnie and Denny audition numerous drummers at Dial Recording Studio (323 13th Avenue NE, Minneapolis) and eventually pick up Bill Gent, who clicks with the band.   After four Days of rehearals with Bill,  Jokers Wild is back playing, as they had numerous bookings to fulfill.   Knowing that Pete Huber was a big part of Jokers Wild, Lonnie and Denny decide it is time for a new name for the band, with Bill Gent in as drummer.  Lonnie comes up the name Tuesday.  Denny comes with the name Flash.  The two names are combined as Flash Tuesday but doesn’t start until the end of the year.

September 5, 1969:  Jokers Wild /Flash Tuesday plays their first job in Fergus  Falls, Minnesota and go on to play numerous jobs across the midwest including Kansas City, Kansas.

January 25, 1970:    Flash Tuesday opens up a show for Grand Funk Railroad at the Labor Temple. The manager of  Grand Funk Railroad, Terry Knight, is at the show and offers Flash Tuesday a recording contract, however, David Anthony, the band’s manager, advises the band to turn down the offer due to tensions within the band at the time. 

April, 1970:  The band stays together up through the middle of April and then decide to go their separate ways.   A different version of Flash Tuesday is put together by David Anthony and this new version of the  band plays for another year, in order to fulfill the many bookings the band still had on the calendar.

Photos  –  Click  on  Photo’s  for  Full  Screen  – Arrow  to  Next


Lonnie  Knight


Denny  Johnson


Bill  Gent


Newspaper  ad’s



CDs  /  Recordings

Voices  Time = 4:41

Captain  Me  And  The  Air  Coach  Time = 3:43

Festival  Blues  Time = 3:50

Dissatisfied  ( with the Famous LK Intro )  – Time = 9:51

Borrowed  Time = 4:06

Wind   ( Part 1 & 2  with Drum  Solo )  Time = 9:18

Colors  Time = 7:43

In  The  Morning  Time = 6:13

Going  Home  Time = 7:21




Flash  Tuesday                            


BAND  TREE        


FLASH  TUESDAY  1969  to  1970


Lonnie  Knight                Lead  Guitar  /  Vocals           1969  to  1970

The  Castaways

The  Rave – ons

Jokers Wild 

The  Litter


Mojo  Buford  Band

Lexy  Johnson  Band

Lonnie Knight  Solo

City  Mouse

Chad Mitchell  and Friends

The Knight  Henley  Band

Cowboy  Angels

Crow  featuring  Dave  Wagner


Wild  Horses

The  Neilsen – White  Band


Cocktail  Stevie & the Table  Rockers

Michael  Johnson  and  Friends

The  Lonnie  Knight  Band

The  Hoopsnakes

Blues  West  House  Band

Inn  Kahoots  House  Band

Lonnie  Knight  &  Big  Shoes

R nt  Solo

Lonnie  Knight  &  Reid  Papke

Knight – Papke – Sansby – Haberman

Smoking Section

Mosquito Schoals


Denny  Johnson             Bass  Guitar  /  Vocals            1969  to  1970


Jokers  Wild


Mojo  Buford  Band

Lexy  Johnson  Band






Denny  Johnson  Group


Gold  Dust



Grand  Avenue

Crow  featuring  Dave  Wagner

JT  Silverstar


The  Bowery  Boys

The  Dick  Tracy  Band


Bill  Gent                               Drums  /  Vocals          1969  to  1970


 Jokers Wild


Danny’s  Reasons


Peace  &  Quiet

Chocolate  Floon


Lois Lane


Where are they now?

Flash  Tuesday                      Where  Are  They  Now  ?        


Flash  Tuesday  1969  to  1970                                     


Denny  Johnson                Bass  Guitar  /  Vocals

Active  in  Music                Yes

Doing  What  ?…… …. Studio  Session  Work  –  Re-Mastering  and   Band  History


Bill  Gent                               Drums  /  Vocals

Active  in  Music              No

Doing  What  ?………   Passed  Away  in  2002


Lonnie  Knight                 Lead  Guitar  /  Vocals

Active  in  Music              No

Doing  What  ?…. …..   Lonnie passed away at age 68 on May 7, 2017.

He was living in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the time of his passing.




(interview here)